Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday August 24/09

While watching the news the other night I saw a special about mommy bloggers. Moms writing about their life and experiences with new products out there for some extra cash... I thought why not..

Its Monday , the start of a new work week... I work in sales for a produce company but most of the chefs are off on Mondays so its a pretty easy day for me.. I came home hugged my husband and baby girl and then a knock at the door.. FedEx with 11 boxes of Curity Diapers and Wipes from our friends in Alabama !! We are definitely stocked for awhile.. Thanks Kristie and Kyle , we love you !

Little Jocelyn is on the move now , she is crawling , sitting up, laying down, moving all over. We went to Right Start over the weekend and bought a baby gate for only $30, Summer is the brand and it looks great and was easy to put up.. ( well I think so , my husband did it.. )

Thats all for today , now we are off to hunt for a new house !


  1. Yay for the free diapers! You have great friends!!! I'm following you from MBC! :)

    I'm giving away a free pair of baby shoes on my site if you would like to stop by and enter to win them. The winner gets to pick their choice of shoes! :)
    Momma Such

  2. Hi! I'm visiting from MBC. Great blog.
